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Virus Removal

It's true. Macs get viruses. 


Contrary to popular belief, Macs do in fact get viruses. As the use of technology in our world increases so does the amount of cyber crime. 

Few things feel like more of a violation of our privacy and security than hackers invading our systems. These intrusions compromise personal data and can have major functional and financial implications. If you think your system has been compromised don't hesitate to contact us immediately. The longer these threats remain in your system the more harm they can do. 



Viruses are malicious applications created by cyber criminals. These applications are self-replicating and typically triggered by a user. Once triggered these applications can work in the background affecting computer functions and leave your system and your data at risk. Since they are self-replicating, viruses will get worse over time and can cause irreparable harm if left in the system.

All Viruses are Malware but not all Malware are Viruses. Confusing right? 

Malware is considered any type of malicious code. Malware can come in many different forms and can be triggered by installing fraudulent applications, bad links in eMails and on webpages, and more. Malware needs to be treated separately from Viruses. Anti-Virus software needs to be paired with anti-malware software for a fully secure system. 



Spyware does what the name implies. It spies on you and can be some of the most malicious software that exists. Usually running in the background, spyware and "keyloggers" can be monitoring your computer usage and even the key strokes on your keyboard. This means that even though you thought you were on a secure website entering your password, this information can be stolen from you.  

Like Spyware, Adware does what the name implies. Adware comes in the form of unwanted ads and pop-ups that can make your system frustrating to use and in some instances even unusable. Although less serious than Viruses, Malware, or Spyware, Adware can be a real nuisance and can stop your productivity dead in its tracks.

Luckily, help is only a phone call away!


Hacking / Scams

Ransomware is the most extreme form of malicious software. In this more rare form of intrusion, hackers can enter your system and hold your data or personal information "hostage". This can come in may forms but once these hackers enter your system they can lock you out completely until their demands are met.

NEVER give someone remote access to your devices! If in doubt, call us!

You may have seen an increase in scams lately. Sometimes cleverly and professionally disguised, these "phishing" scams are designed to scare you into calling a support phone number, or answering a support eMail. Once you have made contact these very convincing scammers will do their best to gain access to your personal information and devices. 

NEVER give someone remote access to your devices or share personal information!

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